Redhead Adopt-A-Trail
Looking for Volunteers!
Help support a first class riding experience at Redhead!
Please be a part of our dedicated team and adopt a trail to perform routine maintenance at Redhead MTB Park.
There are 21 sections up for adoption ranging in length from 0.4-2.7 miles. Sections can be maintained by 2-4 person teams or can be adopted by local businesses/organizations looking to create volunteer opportunities for their employees/members.
This is an excellent way to get outdoors and feel good by contributing to the continued growth of outdoor recreation here in our Iron Range Community. Redhead MTB Park started with a creative vision and came to life because of dedicated volunteers like you! Join the Adopt-a-Trail Program today to become part of the heart and soul of Redhead! Everyone is welcome to volunteer, bikers, hikers, and general trail enthusiasts alike!
Specific Trail Volunteer Duties:
• Weed Whipping: flexible time requirements. Equipment and training provided.
• Trail Corridor Clearing: debris pickup, moving small rocks, small fallen branches/trees, raking, etc.
• Leaf Blowing: September/October/November timeframe. This extends the season and makes for safer trail usage. Flexible time requirements. Equipment and training provided.
Here’s How It Works:
• One team (a business, non-profit, civic organization or a collection of 2-4 individuals) may adopt one of the following trail segments. Team size will be limited to 4 people.
• The responsibilities of the Adopters are to:
o Inspect your trail segment every two weeks and/or after major storm events (you will be prompted to perform an inspection when a major storm occurs). This inspection can be done by walking or simply riding your trail. Document EVERY inspection on the Trailforks App.
o Perform routine maintenance on your trail, as needed (based on your inspection). Routine maintenance includes removal of deadfalls by hand, weed-whipping, leaf-blowing and raking of rills and loose rocks. You may use tools from the IROC tool shed for this work.
o Report any needs for non-routine maintenance or closure. Non-routine maintenance is defined as work that you cannot perform yourself, including removal of large trees, reconstructing trail features, repairing large washouts, re-rerouting trails, replacing culverts, etc. Such items should be reported to the Redhead Trail Boss who will determine if the trail must be closed until the non-routine repair is completed. The Adopter’s duty is simply to report the need for non-routine maintenance.
• In exchange for adopting a trail, IROC will:
o Provide every member of your team with a free membership to Trailforks (if you do not already have one).
o Provide every member of your team with a Redhead Volunteer jersey, provided your team logs at least 20 hours between April 1st and October 1st.
o Sign your trail section “This section of trail adopted by: [your name]”.
o Give you annual training on Maintenance and Inspection (mandatory every spring)
o Invite your team to an annual “Volunteer Appreciation Event” (every fall at the end of summer riding season)
The Adopt-a-Trail segments are listed below:
1. North Star Loop (3.0 miles)
2. High Road and the Pines (1.8 miles)
3. Spellbound Loop (0.7 miles)
4. Secret Garden (0.5 miles + free ride area)
5. Weeper (0.5 miles)
6. Fractured Falls (1.3 miles)
7. Glen Line (1.5 miles)
8. Derailed (0.4 miles)
9. Brightside Loop (Southern Half) (1.3 miles)
10. Brightside Loop (Northern Half) (1.0 miles)
11. Mine Blast and Mini Blast (0.7 miles)
12. Boneyard Loop (0.8 miles)
13. Tough Mama (1.1 miles)
14. Zen/Zen Connector (1.4 miles)
15. Red Hop and Crossfire (2.7 miles)
16. Orange Crush/Orange Crush Connector (0.7 miles)
17. Roller Derby (0.4 miles)
18. The Rim (Southern Half) (2.6 miles)
19. The Rim (Northern Half) (1.5 miles)
20. Deep Water and Pit Plunge (1.1 miles)
21. Rinse and Repeat (0.6 miles)
Please contact IROC’s Adopt-a-Trail Coordinator to adopt a section and get more information: